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We ask that Parliament to ensure swift passage of Libby Davies' Private Members' Bill C-304, an Act to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for Canadians.

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Homeless Facts

In the 2008 Homeless Count there were AT LEAST 3,062 people homeless in Metro Vancouver.

Since 2002, there has been a shocking 137% increase in overall homelessness and a 373% increase in the number of people sleeping outside. /.

2nd Roundtable on Collaborating for City Transformation

January 14, 2010
10:00 am to 4:00 pm

City Gate Leadership Forum

Thursday, January 14th, 10 AM – 4 PM

@ Tenth Avenue Church, 11 West 10th Ave, Vancouver

Presentation: Dave Hillis, President, Leadership Foundations

Planning Circles: Jonathan Bird, City Gate Leadership Forum

How can the resources of the Christian community (clergy & laity, church & parachurch & marketplace) be connected and then engaged in a common effort with government and non-Christian groups?

AM  Find out how the church in other cities is partnering successfully within and beyond itself for spiritual and social transformation.

PM  Over lunch and through the afternoon, together we will identify a collaborative project which addresses a pressing spiritual and social need.

City Gate Leadership Forum

(formerly Shalom Seekers)

Jonathan Bird

City Gate Leadership Forum

From good intentions to effective outcomes.

C: 778 881 2137      0: 604 879 5510     F: 604 879 6181

PO Box 78050, Grandview RPO, Vancouver, BC  V5N 5W1, Canada

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